Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA)
P.O. Box 6123

Chelsea, MA 02150

FEB 2025 - MACA Meeting - Review of New Features ava on

  • 02/06/2025
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • zoom-- link posted below

Registration is closed
Todd Foreman is s a retired Chief of Police from a small department in Virginia and a certified crime prevention specialist in Virginia. He has more than 28 years of experience in law enforcement, crime prevention, community policing and as an instructor. He is currently the Director of Law Enforcement Outreach for the Recycled Materials Association. Todd retired from the Bedford Police Department in 2022 as a Chief of Police overseeing all police operations. Less than a week later he was recruited and hired by the Recycled Materials Association (ReMA) to serve as the Director of Law Enforcement Outreach. Todd Foreman has been a Virginia certified Crime Prevention Specialist since 2002 and received the National Crime Prevention Specialist Level I certification.
The session will provide tools for analyst and law enforcement to use. Including a new addition to the tools that was specifically designed with the analyst in mind. Todd can also get attendees registered as users if needed. Metals theft is an issue worldwide and in the United States. The price of Precious metals in catalytic converters has dropped and thefts of catalytic converters are lower but the catalytic converters are still being stolen in pockets. Copper prices hit an all time high in June. The telecommunications wire, EV Charging stations and other copper materials are being stolen as well as critical infrastructure is being damaged. Tractor trailers are being diverted when loaded with copper, Nickle and other metals. The loads are being delivered to alternate locations and stolen.
How do law enforcement focus on catching and preventing these thefts while working priority calls? This is a challenge across the US and Canada. The prevention and capture of the thieves begins with partnerships. The Recycled Materials Association (ReMA) is working to build these partnerships through education, relationship building and providing tools for law enforcement and analysts.
After attending the audience will have knowledge about the industry to include good and bad. They will understand the metals and prices of the metals and why the value is rising or falling. They will leave with an understanding of some of the cases and how the operations worked and how they can use this with their agencies. They will have a knowledge of tools which can assist in the capture of the thieve by gaining more DATA.

Todd Foreman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 850 4290 0053
Passcode: 686419
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