MACA Meeting Case Brief / Case Sharing - 764 Group

  • 04/22/2024
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Woburn police Dept - 25 Harrison Ave, Woburn, MA 01801

Registration is closed
IA Jenna Wall from the domestic terrorism squad at FBI Boston will discuss her work with a group called 764. One of the units goals is to get out to local/state depts to brief them on this group and to discuss reporting any potential activity to the FBI via Guardian.

Attached is a Open source link to provide an overview of this group.
If you have seen any similar behaviors / cases or have information that may relate to this group or its activities please come prepared to share this information. Due to the nature of the context of this meeting it will be restricted to LE only -- attendance to be taken. Please bring your work ID. this will be an in person meeting only. We will also discuss the Mobilize platform if time allows.

Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA)

P.O. Box 6123

Chelsea, MA 02150

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