January 2024 meeting

  • 01/25/2024
  • 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • 55 Center Street Burlington MA

Registration is closed
For our January meeting the eboard is planning to host an open meeting Jan 25th at 10:30 (zoom to be posted asap). The first half of the meeting will serve as an opportunity to discuss the points outlined below:
1. To give all members an opportunity to meet the eboard members – old and new
2. To give all members an opportunity to voice ideas for 2024 goals/ideas for the organization
3. Generate Meeting ideas
4. Bylaw Review and possibility of the formation of a Bylaw Review Committee
5. Direction of the organization
a. Expanding membership outside of “crime” analysis
b. Rebranding ideas
The second half of the meeting will serve as an opportunity for the eboard old and new to lay out goals for the next year and to assign big ticket to do list items. Please come prepared with items to discuss!
Additionally, “retiring” candidate (Erika) will be given the opportunity to pass the torch - “train” new eboard member— Mike on the duties and expectations of his role
The eboard will go through the by-laws, the organization’s Google Drive and other resources.
The eboard will discuss each board members position roles, expectations, and goals.
Lastly, the eboard will discuss the annual conference and how each eboard member can contribute to the conference planning -- review list of ideas / notes and survey responses from the 2023 conference
We hope you all will take a moment a join us on Jan 25thand help make 2024 a strong year for MACA!

55 Center Street Burlington MA 




White building to right of Police Department. Enter through glass doors at parking lot. 

Topic: MACA EBoard Mtg

Time: Jan 25, 2024 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 838 9118 4435

Passcode: 291115


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Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA)

P.O. Box 6123

Chelsea, MA 02150

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