Event location change: please note we will be held at Northeastern University Building 5 147 South Bedford St. Burlington. A map of the area has been included. Thank you Dodi ! Excited for the large turnout!
Elisabeth Orion - an Investigative Specialist (non-sworn investigator) with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security has been posted to the Portsmouth Resident Office since 2011 where she investigates passport fraud, visa fraud, Human trafficking & Smuggling, identity theft, and any other crime that has a nexus to our core charges.
Elisabeth will lead an open discussion about current trends and cases in her office. The Portsmouth Resident Office, Diplomatic Security Service, has seen a sharp increase in counterfeit passport cards in our region. This intelligence meeting has been scheduled to jointly discuss a summary of observations, lessons learned, effective techniques, and helpful resources used during successful investigations of counterfeit passport card fraud rings. It is our intention, by opening a regional dialog, to advance investigations through shared intelligence and ultimately thwart the various fraud rings operating in the area.
Current Fraud Trends and Financial Loss:
Given the nature of this discussion This meeting Is limited to LE personnel only. If your department has any relevant cases that might benefit the group discussion , please bring your case information to the meeting. If your department has Detectives who may be interested in this meeting please extend the invite to them.
This will be an in person meeting only.
Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA)
P.O. Box 6123
Chelsea, MA 02150