National Threat Evaluation & Reporting Office

  • 08/31/2022
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Registration is closed

Evan Schleicher, Program Manager for The National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Office will discuss NTER and the programs ability to share information and resources with federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial (F/SLTT) and private sector homeland security partners, and  to assist in threat mitigation and targeted violence prevention, regardless of motive.  The presentation will cover what NTER provides, to include  information sharing services, such as program support, resources, and training. Some of NTER trainers may join the prestation to discuss how they utilize the program and what the trainings offered entail.    The meeting audience is limited to any employee of a PD or any city / town/ State agency (not need to be LE based – can be courts, probation, DCF). If you have you have any questions about your ability to register please reach out to Melissa Trzepacz. 

Melissa Trzepacz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Aug MACA meeting - National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER)

Time: Aug 31, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Evan Schleicher, Program Manager

National Threat Evaluation & Reporting Office

Engagement, Liaison, and Outreach Division

Website -


Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA)

P.O. Box 6123

Chelsea, MA 02150

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