October MACA Meeting

  • 11/18/2021
  • 10:00 AM
  • Medford Police Dept (100 Main St., Medford)


Registration is closed

Our next MACA meeting will be held on Thursday, November 18th at 10am at the Medford Police Department.  Analyst Rob McIntire will present on Python.  

The programming language of Python has moved beyond the realm of strictly being application development and has taken the forefront of data science.  2021 was the first year that Python has overtaken JavaScript for data analysis software uses.  Its used by major corporations, biomedical fields and data science firms for everything from data manipulation, modeling and presentation.  As an Open Source project it has allowed the creation of a number of extensions for various tasks from data extraction and manipulation to web scraping to full scale websites and even automation.  Python is an object oriented program which is included standard in Apple computers, Linux systems and various software platforms such as ArcPro.

Parking should be along Main St and along the Route 16 on ramp beside the station.  Carpooling is encouraged.  Please enter through the main doors of the station and the community room is to your left.

Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA)

P.O. Box 6123

Chelsea, MA 02150

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