The next MACA meeting will be held on Thursday, January 23rd at the Natick Police Department (20 East Central St). Bonnie Poulin, the Manager of Highway Safety Programs (DOT) will present on a new crash data portal which provides near real-time data, analytics, multiple search options, and dashboards.
The Interactive Mapping Portal for Analysis and Crash Tracking (IMPACT) system is a new publicly available online portal for Massachusetts crash data. IMPACT replaces the previous crash portal and offers a more streamlined access to data by providing user-friendly search options, predefined data dashboards and reports, updated graphics and analytics.
The new interactive system includes a variety of mechanisms to obtain crash data information including prepared reports, full query options, cross tabulations and charting, and mapping capabilities. Users have the ability to download full crash data-sets. The data are available in near real-time and are updated daily to reflect crashes that have been reported by law enforcement into the RMV’s Crash Data System. Users are able to search for data from 2002 to present day.
Parking: There is ample parking in the back of the PD. However, it is commuter parking, so you are required to have a pass/permit which I will send out to those who RSVP the week of the meeting. Street parking is also available in the area.
Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA)
P.O. Box 6123
Chelsea, MA 02150