October 2018 MACA Meeting

  • 10/24/2018
  • 10:00 AM
  • 293 Boston Post Rd., Suite 510 Marlborough, MA

Registration is closed

The October MACA meeting will be hosted by Lowe's at their regional office in Marlborough on 10/24 at 10am.  The presentation by Lowe’s will discuss how they do ORC investigations (how they discover ORC crews, how they track their activity in other stores, and how they build cases).  A Detective from Lowell PD will discuss how his department implemented an Efile with their Lowe's store which is something other PD’s can adopt.  

In addition, Ryan Kearney, general counsel for the MA Retailers, will be there to speak on the  new ORC statutes that were recently passed.  This will be a great meeting you won't want to miss.  

Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA)

P.O. Box 6123

Chelsea, MA 02150

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